Ivo Rosa Montenegro

Name: Ivo Rosa Montenegro

Research Projects:


Ivo is a PhD candidate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT. Born and raised in Brasilia, Brazil, Ivo did his undergrad studies in the University of Brasilia from 2006 to 2011. Upon graduation, Ivo worked for an engineering consulting firm in Brasilia, focused on renewable sources of energy. During this period, Ivo worked in several design projects of dams for hydroelectric generation in Brazil and Africa. In 2012 he moved to Cambridge and started his graduate studies at MIT. Since then, Ivo has been working with Prof. Andrew Whittle on a project to investigate the seasonal behavior of expansive clays. His research involves three main areas: numerical and constitutive modelling, laboratory testing, and field investigation. In order to be able to simulate the complex behavior of unsaturated expansive soils, he has been working on the development of a tool that accurately models multi-phase flow in deformable porous media. This project also involves the complete characterization of the engineering properties of the material in the laboratory to feed the implemented numerical tools. Another important part of the project was the design of a novel tool for measuring displacements within a soil profile, which was installed in a site in Texas. Along with this novel system, other sensors for monitoring of variables related to the problem studied were also installed and are continuously recording data for understanding the seasonal behavior of the material. Ivo is also interested in sports (soccer and tennis are his favorite), photography, gastronomy, and DIY electronics.

